Click on the ORDER tab on our website for training materials to impart the Hunters strategy to you and your active church members. These resources include the book (including small group study guide); DVD, and small group forms and guidelines to ensure a thorough understanding to become a part of your lifestyle.

Considering the disturbing reality of dropout believers across the western church, some Christian publications have begun to raise awareness and address the problem. The articles below are representative.

The Hunters Strategy:
Series in Charisma Leader (formerly Ministry Today)

1. Pursuing Your Church’s Dropout Believers – Ministry TodayPursuing Your Church’s Dropout Believers – Ministry Today

2. Why Some Christians Drop Out of Your Church – Ministry Today

3. 6 Frustrating Lies Backsliding Christians Adopt – Ministry Today

4. A 1 Samuel 30 Strategy for Rescuing Those Satan Has Kidnapped – Ministry Today

5. This Loving Strategy Is Crucial in Restoring Dropout Believers – Ministry Today

6. Your First Step to Win Disconnected Christians Back to Jesus – Ministry Today

7. The James 5 Key to Reaching Out to Straying Believers – Ministry Today

8. This Spiritual Discipline Gives You Strength to Lead the Broken – Ministry Today

9. David’s Divine Strategy for Learning God’s Will — Ministry Today

10. A Crucial Step in Restoring Backslidden Believers to the Body – Ministry Today

11. Effective Tips for Making Your In-Home Visits Personal Yet Powerful – Ministry Today

12. The Secret Sauce of Relational Evangelism in a Digital Age – Ministry Today

13. Discerning the 5 Demonic Strongholds That Pull Believers Back Into the World – Ministry Today

14. Spiritual Warfare Strategies for Winning Wandering Believers Back to Jesus – Ministry Today

15. A 4-Step Spiritual Warfare Strategy to Pray for Prodigals – Ministry Today

16. Why Your Church’s Connectedness Is the Key to Winning the Lost – Ministry Today

17. Cultivating a Shepherd’s Heart for Your Flock – Ministry Today

18. A Vital Ingredient in Your Church’s Spiritual Growth – Ministry Today

19. Getting Straying Believers to Reconnect With Your Church – Ministry Today

20. 3 Connection Elements Your Local Church Can Focus on to Improve Relationships – Ministry Today